Sunday, April 29, 2007

why the cage?

How many times I've needed to create an account somewhere and put in some simple thing that would easily mean something to me... "MLewis", "MaryLewis", "MaryMath" are a few I've tried. And the dreaded message comes: "We're sorry, that name is not available". Arghhhh. Anyone else know that frustration?
My lovely son Connor got so worn down a few years ago trying to come up with an email address that wasn't already taken that in his frustration he saddled himself with "killer_of_men2001". He was just joking when he typed in "killer_of_men" and he gathered the "2001" portion meant that "killer_of_men" was already taken and he finally gave in. It's still his account to this day.
So....what about the cage? Well, I wanted something that meant something to me. And nothing means more to me than my children (and my husband, of course.) For ten years I had three children and I used Acemom for many things (another name that is usually taken already!) Get it? Aiden, Connor and Elina = ACE mom. Ah! But now we have Gage...what to do?!!?!? they're not in order by age anymore but Connor, Aiden, Gage and Elina = CAGE mom!!
Kind of ironic I suppose for a radical unschooler to identify herself as CageMom. But I find it to be a reminder that I get to define things the way I want them. And being Mom to C.A.G. and E. is what my unschooling journey is about. Without them I wouldn't BE unschooling! So CageMom it is. And it's the bestest, most beautiful cage ever.

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