Thursday, March 12, 2009

Here's pie in your eye!

Aiden, Gage and I took an extra set of clothes (and a camera!) down to Tim's work yesterday. As added incentive for last month's pie-selling contest, his management team told the servers for every 20 pies a server sold in a week they could hit a manager in the face with a pie! They did their pie throwing right in the lobby of the restaurant! Tim said it was too cold outside. He might be a wimp when it comes to weather, but notice HE'S not wearing any pie-protectant!
And the first pie goes to.......

Some smash with gusto!


Someone's gonna get it!

"Tim (that's what Gage calls his Daddy) you mess!"

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Yes. I am restarting my blog. I'm still on the same archaic laptop, but it's now at least on a faster connection! I can upload pics without turning into Methusela AND (drum roll....) I got a NEW CAMERA!!!
A few days ago I went to my Photobucket account and there where a picture should have been was a notice: "This image has been removed for violating the terms of use." Or something like that. What picture was it?!?!? I looked at the one before and after that spot and neither indicated that between them had lain a less than respectable image. And what if it had been a picture that I especially liked; that couldn't be replaced??? I had already deleted it from the camera card!
So I wrote Photobucket a letter. And lo and behold the photo was restored!
So here is the picture that was lost and now returned to me:

My prodigal son.