Saturday, May 3, 2008

May 1st

I thought I was doing SO well to remember that it was the first of May. I even remembered to grab my camera as I was leaving the house for the seemingly unending parade of errands. I saw something that looked like a good photo op. Ahh, the first picture of the project! But no, the batteries I had snagged off the charger as I was leaving apparently hadn't taken the charge. Zip. Nada. So the first day of May passed in one frustrating missed opportunity after another. I put batteries on the charger that evening when I got home and then lapsed into the zoned out state of the errand running Mother at rest. So the first picture of the project almost didn't happen. I snapped back to reality at about ll:45!! FIFTEEN minutes to get a picture after dark with a camera that's flash doesn't work. Great. So I took the shade off the living room lamp which happens to have that good old full spectrum bulb in it, threw a tablecloth over a chair, and tried taking a picture of one of these nice tumblers a friend gave me. But Gage is feeling sickly and not sleeping and wants to play in the water with one of his cars. I give up on the glass, putting it on the kitchen floor so he hopefully will stay distracted. He had left Elina's Liberty water dome so I thought I'd try and get a shot of it with the confetti floating around but the camera lag time results in the shot always happening after the confetti settles. Besides, now he's back and grabbing the dome. Oh bother. Why even try and fight it? "Gage, can you set the dome right there?" And he DID!

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