Sunday, May 6, 2007


Day Four and Gage is one year old. I can hardly believe it. We had a lovely day visiting with his friend who is 2 weeks older. I got lots of nice pictures of her but not so many of the birthday boy. His bald head is sometimes a bit too reflective! I don't think it would be cool to post public pictures of someone else's child though without their permission! Gage walks now, and on his birthday he finally got the hang of waving at people! Aiden liked this picture...she said he looks like the "captain of his own destiny". There were cows across the road behind him. At one point it poured rain and we had to go under cover. But then the sun came out again and was so warm we had to take our coats off. I just love the crazy spring weather in the North West!

For my every day in May picture I chose this lily that Aiden bought. I picked her up after work and while she ran into the apartment to get different shoes I sat in the car and used the evening sunlight (what was left of it) to take pictures of her new flower. I threw my sweatshirt over the steering wheel as a backdrop. The picture isn't very high in resolution but I still like it.

1 comment:

Zenmomma said...

That flower photo is beautiful. And Gage is pretty great too. ;-)