Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Day Seven

Gage and I went for a walk last night as the sun was low in the sky. It made everything shimmer and glow. But I had a very hard time getting a photo that captured the magic of it all. This is a frustration I just have to live with when I have a little guy who doesn't want to sit in a stroller or in a sling while Mommy spends time getting things just right. And that's ok. There will be years of time later when I will be able to spend hours if I like setting up a shot. But this time when he is as he is right now is so brief. So he calls me away from the picture I see in my mind and urges me on to the next. I know I won't have time to get that one right either and it's not only OK...it's fantastic!

Then while Aiden was at FHE I took Elina and Gage to the fountain on the Commons. The evening was warm and lovely. As we got there a family was just leaving, but their dog was getting a few last drinks in.

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